jeudi 5 septembre 2013

Free Life Center Jam..

Contributor Jillian Mackintosh (and co-owner of Gallery Hijinks) sits down with fellas Mark Warren Jacques and Seth Neefus to chat with them about their collaborative project that opens tonight at Gallery Hijinks. - meighan

What is does the“free life” really mean?

Seth Neefus - Itis in the mind, just follow whatever speaks to you inside, and see where ittakes you.

Are you reallyliving the free life?

sn + mwj - yes


What do you hopeto accomplish with the free life center during the tour and even after?

sn-To share anexperience of art, music and good people, the Free Life Center is not apermanent place or thing, it is a chance to explore what we have created andare willing to share with everyone we meet. We hope to inspire artists andcommunities to take a journey and experience what they enjoy to the fullest.Whether they hit the road or take on a new perspective, if we inspire, we arestoked.

mwj- Honestly Ifeel like we have already accomplished the initial goals of actually doing it,building it, making art, working together, working with others, and taking iton tour. People’s reactions have been amazing, inspired and in turn inspiring.


How long does ittake for you to build up the structure it’s self and install the show inside?

sn- Theinstallation is built so that we can set it up and take it down in a matter ofhours. Typically its taken us 3 - 5 hours for set up and a bit less fortakedown.

mwj - we'regetting pretty buff this summer, that was high on the list of priorities forthe project too.


How much of thetour and your performances are influenced by the time spent living in Portland,OR?

mwj - all oflife is inspiration in one way or another.


What’s yourfavorite part of PDX?

sn - There isroom to grow.

mwj - Goodpeople, cheap beer, cheap rent, the beautiful Sandy River, Mt. Hood, it’s notSF.

What’s yourfavorite part of SF?

mwj - Sunshine,the grime, crazy people, tons of wild energy, its not Portland


What are youreally excited about right now?

sn - This moment.

When are you themost productive?

sn - In thewoods.

mwj - All thetime. Specifically after or during coffee, which is pretty much all the time.


Not only is theFLC an artistic venture, it involves many types of musical performances. Whatkind of music have you been listening to on the road?

mwj - We arepracticing zen driving methods, ha.

IMG_2398 A little birdtold me that you drink a lot of 40 oz beers, what brand is your favorite andwhy?

sn- That is notentirely true, but I do like miller high life in a 40oz.

Have you runinto any particularly strange or comical experiences while on your epic roadtrip thus far?

mwj - When wewhere in Vancouver B.C. we stayed up all night with some friends and ended upon a beach in the downtown area watching the sun rise and sparkle on the water.This super old Chinese lady somehow crept up on us wearing a red jogging suitand white plastic bags on her feet. She was walking so slow, one foot in frontof the other in the sand, that no one really heard her coming. As she passed nomore than five feet in front of us, everyone took notice and a strange andbeautiful silence fell over us, the beach, and the morning city air. In slowmotion, one foot in front of the other, the old lady performed her patientdance right on past us, the glittering water acting as her silver stagecurtain. Strange, comical, beautiful, like life is. "Good morning"she finally said as she crept toward her day.


If you werelimited to 5 tools of the trade in your line up, which would they be and why?

sn - Graphitepencil, paint brush, watercolors, color pencils, pencil sharpener. They arefun.

mwj - Paint, atiny brush, a good woman, some beer, and nice weather.

If you were todie and be reborn as another animal, what would it be?

sn - a deer

mwj - seth

IMG_2406 The openingreception for the Free life Center is on Friday the 23rd of July from 7-10 pm,as well as musical performances the night after on Saturday the 24th, from6-9pm. Check out this sweet time lapse of the Free Life Center's erection as well as postcards for the Free Life Center and photography exhibithappening in the back.


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